5. Templates & Creatives

1. Introduction to DCO Ads

Welcome to the Introduction to DCO Ads course!

In this course, you'll learn about the core concepts of DCO ads, tools and efficiencies within Flight Control and how to successfully plan for your DCO ad build from a creative perspective:

  • DCO Ads: An introduction to the purpose and capabilities of DCO ads as well as different terms relevant to DCO and Flight Control.
  • Flight Control: This section provides insight into the capabilities, tools and efficiencies of Flight Control.
  • Planning: These lessons focus on how to best plan for a successful DCO ad campaign. 

After completing this course, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of DCO ads, the abilities of Flight Control and how to best plan for your DCO ad build and campaign.   

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Course content

    • Introduction to DCO Ads
    • Knowledge Check: Introduction to DCO Ads